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We Believe It Is Our Duty

To Do the Job to the Best of Our Ability with Strong Attention to Detail

Expert Foundation Repair Services in Dallas, TX

To Do the Job to the Best of Our Ability with Strong Attention to Detail

We Believe It Is Our Duty

To Do the Job to the Best of Our Ability with Strong Attention to Detail

Foundation Repair Specialists in Dallas, TX

At James Bond Complete Foundation Repair, our team in Dallas, TX has been helping homeowners address their foundation issues preventing further costly damages to their home. We have been servicing Fort Worth, Collin, Denton, Tarrant, Kaufman, Rockwall and surrounding areas of Dallas for the past 25 years.  We make sure our team is fully trained and equipped with the best tools to ensure your home’s future. Our specializations in the field include:

Over 25 Years of Experience with Foundation Repair

Does your home have cracked walls, stuck doors, and bulging floors? These damages most likely come from foundation distress, a common issue that occurs in most homes built on expansive soils. This reactive soil is constantly shrinking and expanding depending on water levels. It can also cause homes to shift unevenly and crack because of the constant movement. Our expertise in working with both Dallas and Fort Worth soils has led us to 25 years of success with foundation repair. When you request your free estimate, be confident in knowing that you are choosing a dependable team of experts who value the importance of family.

Get a Free Estimate on Repairs

Every home should provide the safety and protection a family needs. Making sure you choose an experienced professional for your foundation repair will not only save you a job done improperly, but it also ensures that your home will be a safe place for your entire family in the years to come. Buying and owning a house is an expensive adventure. Let us help you take care of your investment by examining and protecting your new home’s foundation. You can count on us to help you protect the value of your home!

Contractors studying blueprints for foundation repair on a construction site in Dallas, TX
Why Hire Us
Cracked concrete walls indicate warning signs of foundation damage in Dallas
Warning Signs
Button to schedule an appointment for foundation repair services in Dallas, TX
Schedule an Appointment

James Bond Foundation Repair

11825 Donore Lane
Dallas, TX 75218


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM