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After noticing indoor cracks getting wider and damage to the exterior we had a feeling something serious was going on. James responded to our call promptly, was punctual for the appointment, provided great insight and completed a detailed report of his findings along with drawings. Very pleased.

Valarie R.

What a great experience. We had another foundation company quote us thousands of dollars in foundation work prior to our remodeling efforts. Seeking a second opinion, we contacted James Bond. Mr. Bond personally assessed our house and found no issues at all. He put our mind at ease and saved us so much money. In a industry filled with companies trying to make a buck, Mr. Bond's professionalism and honesty were a welcomed and greatly appreciated change. Thank you, Mr. Bond!

Jonathan H.

I called James Bond for an estimate after the big guys who did repair work on our home with the previous owner didn't transfer the warranty. Coming from California we had some concerns as we didn't know what was and wasn't a potentially big issue. James Bond responded timely, came out on time, did a quick estimate and gave us some great news. They did have recommendations on getting engineering plans for greater peace of mind. They are prompt, knowledgeable, honest and trustworthy and if we do have any bigger concerns down the road, I would feel like we would be in great hands with James Bond.

Danielle R.

James Bond did some foundation work on my home 11 years ago. Selling the house now and I couldn't find any of the paperwork. I emailed them and they came through. They had all the paperwork plus the Lifetime
Transferable Warranty. It put the buyer at ease. The work they did was great and they're very professional and even did a follow up a few years after just to make sure everything was good. I highly recommend them.

Gregory O.

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