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The myths and misconceptions surrounding home foundation repair can cause unnecessary worry. To calm your nerves and help you make informed decisions, debunk these seven common myths about residential foundation repair.

Myth 1: Foundation Repair is Always Expensive

While foundation repair can certainly get expensive, it’s not always as costly as many believe. When minor problems are caught early, repairs can be quite affordable, often just a few hundred dollars. That’s why it’s essential to have foundation specialists assess the damage rather than assuming the worst. You won’t know the actual repair cost until you get an estimate.

Myth 2: You Should Wait it Out

If an estimate comes back higher than you’d hoped, it’s tempting to ignore the problem. But foundation issues don’t fix themselves—they only get worse and more expensive to repair over time. Addressing the issue as soon as possible prevents further damage to your home and saves money in the long run.

Myth 3: The Builder is to Blame

While some foundation issues stem from construction errors, many are caused by changes in the soil beneath the home long after it was built. Knowing that soil shrinkage, expansion, and erosion are often the culprit can help homeowners take preventative measures to maintain their foundation’s integrity.

Myth 4: Filling Cracks is All You Need to Do

Filling visible cracks is an aesthetic fix, but it doesn’t address the underlying issues. Identifying and repairing the root cause, such as soil movement or water damage, is the key to preventing further foundation problems.

Myth 5: You’ll Need a Completely New Foundation

On the other end of the spectrum, some homeowners believe the slightest structural issue demands a brand-new foundation. In reality, support beams, underpinning, and soil stabilization are often enough.

Myth 6: Cracks are the Biggest Sign of Foundation Problems

Cracks are only one of many indicators to watch for, including windows and doors that won’t close properly, uneven floors, and bouncing floorboards. A comprehensive evaluation by foundation specialists can accurately pinpoint the cause.

Myth 7: You Should Never Buy a Home with Foundation Problems

Foundation problems shouldn’t necessarily be a deal-breaker when buying a home. Many foundation issues can be resolved with modern repair techniques. Just be sure to schedule a thorough home inspection and get a repair estimate before proceeding with the purchase. This information allows you to negotiate the price or request that the seller make the necessary repairs.

Schedule a Foundation Inspection in the Dallas Area

If you suspect foundation issues, an inspection is the best place to start. James Bond Complete Foundation Repair would be happy to help. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional service backed by over 25 years of experience. Our repair team offers free evaluations and estimates, competitive pricing, and a lifetime transferable warranty on every repair. We focus on honesty, transparency, and customer education to ensure you’re informed every step of the way. Contact us at 214-621-8771 to schedule your free estimate in Dallas, Garland, or the Plano area.