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The foundation greatly determines your home’s structural integrity. Pests can threaten this stability by causing hidden damage. Learn which pests pose a risk in the Dallas area, the type of damage they can cause, and how to protect your home so the foundation remains solid.


Termites are notorious for feeding on wood, including wooden components of your foundation. They create tunnels inside the wood, compromising its structural integrity. Look for honeycomb patterns in wood, discarded wings, or mud tubes along your foundation. To prevent termites, regularly inspect your home for these signs, maintain a gap between the soil and the wood elements of your house, and consider professional termite treatments.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants tunnel through wood to build their nests, weakening wooden structures. Unlike termites, they do not eat wood but can still cause significant damage. Sawdust near wooden structures and rustling sounds within the walls are common signs of carpenter ants. Keep vegetation trimmed away from the house, seal all food containers, clean up spills, and ensure no wood touches the soil directly.

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants nest in concrete and can enter homes through cracks in the foundation. Their activity can lead to further cracking and weakening of concrete slabs. Signs of an infestation include small piles of displaced soil near cracks in the pavement or concrete slabs. To eliminate pavement ants, seal these cracks and maintain a clean perimeter around your home to deter nesting.


Mice and other critters often chew on wood and insulation, and they can burrow under foundations, causing soil displacement and structural instability. Droppings, gnawed materials, and sounds of scurrying within the walls or ceilings indicate a rodent infestation. If you see these signs, seal entry points, keep the house clean, and use traps or professional rodent control services.

Burrowing Animals

Animals like groundhogs, squirrels, and raccoons can dig under foundations, leading to soil erosion and foundation settling or sinking. Look for visible burrows near the foundation and uneven or sinking areas around the home. To keep burrowing animals at bay, install a sturdy fence, keep trash cans sealed, and remove attractants like pet food from outdoor areas.

Other Ways to Protect Your Home Foundation

  • Regular inspections: Schedule routine assessments by foundation specialists to detect early signs of pest damage and address them promptly.
  • Crack sealing: Seal all cracks and gaps in the foundation to prevent entry points for pests.
  • Proper drainage: Install site drainage solutions to prevent water pooling, which attracts pests and can weaken your foundation.
  • Vegetation management: Regularly prune shrubs near your house and plant trees at least 15 feet from the foundation to reduce the risk of pest intrusion and root damage.

Contact a Foundation Specialist in Dallas, TX

Protecting your home foundation from pests is vital for maintaining its structural integrity. If the damage has already been done, turn to James Bond Complete Foundation Repair. We offer 25 years of experience serving Dallas, Garland, and the Plano area with free evaluations, competitive pricing, and a lifetime transferable warranty with every repair. Contact us at 214-621-8771 to schedule an estimate.